While some may learn a few scattered bits from videos or books there is NOTHING that can take the place of private lessons. The foresight, insight, expertise, vital/continual feedback and personal relationships of face to face lessons from a teacher that deeply cares is incomparable. Bad habits and lack of a wisdom, support and guidance make the journey MUCH more difficult and is quite often the result of stagnation, frustration, lack of sincere progress and ultimately failure. 

We honorably continue a lineage of some of the greatest musicians and teachers that ever were. Lessons should be fun and forward moving with measurable results. Sometimes there are basic fundamental character blockages, that keep us from our greatness and do not allow us to progress as quickly and joyfully as we could with the guidance of an insightful and seasoned teacher.We take great pride in drawing out and conquering these obstacles. Overcoming challenges in one area of our lives can quickly be the life lesson that gives us access to huge breakthroughs in other areas that hold us back. We are proud to say we have REMARKABLE results in this area and this can only be done with one on one instruction.  


There is not “one way”, “one book”, “one style” to learn but rather many ways to learn and develop the passion, trust, fun and accomplishments through addressing each student personally. 

We deeply encourage the individual expression of each students own inspired journey. While is it important to create an understanding of the “language” of music and develop a working vocabulary, we feel it is equally VITAL to fan the flames of the creative process as soon as possible. Countless numbers of students have gone from just wanting to play a few chords to writing, performing, producing and even touring the world. The SKY is the limit!



Some of our work may be very challenging but our path for each student is dictated by his or her own personal interest in music. We learn the inner workings, theory, rhythm, reading/writing, and technical approaches to playing the music that inspires each student. 

Why learn a song, lessons or style of music that the student does NOT listen to? Where would they derive the inspiration to practice or create on their own if there is no personal interest or affiliation with the material? No matter if we learn Beethoven, Coltrane, Slash, Bieber, Beatles, Periphery, Beyonce, Skrillex, etc… the language is inherently the same. This approach empowers and excites a student to learn exactly what they want while simultaneously learning the depths and complexities of music as a whole. 


Our Teachers:

We feel an accurate definition of a great teacher is one that loves what they do and has amazing results. Our track record is unparalleled and our passion for sharing the great language of music is infinite.  Some of our former and current students include Grammy winners, XFactor finalists, internationally acclaimed touring/recording artists, full scholarship recipients to the most reputable music schools in the world as well as students of all levels, ages, and backgrounds that take their desire to enjoy music as far as they want to go. 

Each of our instructors began their journey in music at the best music schools in the world having studied with such legends as Joe Pass, Scott Henderson, Arnie Lawrence, Paul Gilbert and many more. Our instructors have decades of EXTENSIVE experience as professional educators as well as performing/recording musicians.  This provides a level of practical professionalism and a heightened level of expertise of the current music industry. We are EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS on all levels and not just repeating a concept learned and shared from a book or school. Our instructors have a personal and in-depth knowledge of the latest performing and recording equipment in order to facilitate each students needs, to move what might have begun as a hobby, into creating the possibility and path of being a successful and professional musician. 


Instruction for ALL styles and ALL levels on:

- Guitar (acoustic/electric)

- Bass

- Percussion(hand percussion with in depth studies of Brasilian, Middle Eastern, Indian, etc.)

- Drums (electronic/acoustic)

- Piano/Keyboard

- Voice

- Ukelele